Eulerpool Data & Analytics The James F. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005 and The Sandra E. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005, f/k/a PAC Enterprises Properties, PTR, a Florida General Partnership Ocala, US-FL
The James F. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005 and The Sandra E. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005, f/k/a PAC Enterprises Properties, PTR, a Florida General Partnership
The James F. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005 and The Sandra E. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005, f/k/a PAC Enterprises Properties, PTR, a Florida General Partnership
PO Box 770907
34477 Ocala
Κεντρικά Γραφεία
4130 South West 13th Street, 34474 Ocala
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Legal Operating Unit (LOU)
Μορφή Εταιρείας
Κατηγορία Εταιρείας
Κατάσταση Επικύρωσης
Τελευταία ενημέρωση
Επόμενη Ανανέωση
Eulerpool API The James F. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005 and The Sandra E. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005, f/k/a PAC Enterprises Properties, PTR, a Florida General Partnership Κύκλος εργασιών, Κέρδη, Ισολογισμός, Πατέντες, Εργαζόμενοι και άλλα Ocala, US-FL
"lei": "549300K2P0OKQ0G2ZY68",
"legal_jurisdiction": "US-FL",
"legal_name": "The James F. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005 and The Sandra E. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005, f/k/a PAC Enterprises Properties, PTR, a Florida General Partnership",
"entity_category": "GENERAL",
"entity_legal_form_code": "8888",
"legal_first_address_line": "PO Box 770907",
"legal_additional_address_line": "",
"legal_city": "Ocala",
"legal_postal_code": "34477",
"headquarters_first_address_line": "4130 South West 13th Street",
"headquarters_additional_address_line": "",
"headquarters_city": "Ocala",
"headquarters_postal_code": "34474",
"registration_authority_entity_id": "",
"next_renewal_date": "2018-09-27T20:14:00.000Z",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-04T16:48:26.289Z",
"managing_lou": "5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12",
"registration_status": "LAPSED",
"validation_sources": "ENTITY_SUPPLIED_ONLY",
"reporting_exception": "",
"slug": "The James F. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005 and The Sandra E. Byrne Revocable Living Trust Dated January 5, 2005, f/k/a PAC Enterprises Properties, PTR, a Florida General Partnership,Ocala,"
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